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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hagen CO2 Natural Plant System

The Hagen CO2 Natural Plant System is a handy inexpensive way to supply CO2 to your planted aquarium. It is designed for tanks up to 20 gal, but I use it in my 29 gal planted tank.

You may wonder why you would want CO2 in your aquarium. The magic ingredients for lush plant growth is a balance between light, nutrients, and CO2.

An excellent article about CO2 and a do it yourself system can be found here.

After using the Hagen Natural Plant System for some time I started checking on a way to measure CO2 in the tank. I remember seeing a funny bubble looking device in my local fish store. Come to find out it was a Red Sea CO2 Bio System Indicator. These are fairly inexpensive as well, and I'm now able to see when CO2 levels are adequate.

Random Planted Tank on the net #7. The page is in Greek. Here's the translation by babelfish. "The photographs belong in the Mike Iannibelli and are published then authorisation of himself. Volume: Two hundred five litres (205 l). Lighting: two (2) la'mpes fluorescence, force enenintae'xj Watts (96 W)s. (1) That would produce light of day (day light) and (1) actinic blue (actinic blue). Sublayer: hundred tojs hundred (100%) fertilizer Flourite of company Seacem: Potassium and Iron for blossoming of plants (and the two materials of company Sacem, in dosologj'a five roughly hjljostolj'trwn week (5 ml/week). Also I add five hjljosto'ljtra fertilizer ProPlant of company KENT per week (5 ml/week) and ten hjljosto'ljtra per week (10 ml/week) fertilizer Freshwater Plant of same company. CO2: System of control, programmed is outpoured so much dioxide what the pH it is maintained regularly in price 6,5".